Field Scans
Since the inception of the practice, Christine and her team have conducted more than two dozen field scans on emerging opportunities in funding. Christine has also published a number of articles on the importance of field scans with the National Center for Family Philanthropy and the Stanford Social Innovation Review. These include Fast Forward to Greater Impact: The Power of Field Scans and Don't Reinvent the Wheel—which are also highlighted under “Publications” below—as well as Stop Funding Duplicative Projects .
These field scans provide donors with a strategic assessment of where additional funding is most likely to be leveraged. The projects can range from short, month-long research projects designed to provide an overview of a field to comprehensive, detailed assessments of an issue, region, or funding opportunity. Areas of study have included healthcare, human rights, climate change, civic engagement, at-risk youth, and a range of international topics. We recently completed field scans in the topic areas of neuroscience, neuroplasticity, and consciousness.
A number of clients have agreed to share this research with other funders and practitioners. Samples of those reports can be found below.
End-of Life Issues
Human Rights
Climate Change and National Security
Making an Impact: A Guide to Strategic Philanthropy
Authored by Sherry Consulting in collaboration with the J.P. Morgan Philanthropy Centre, Making an Impact: A Guide to Strategic Philanthropy launched in 2016. The two-part report brings to life the theory and practice of philanthropy in order to demonstrate how to plan, execute, and evaluate impactful grants. The first section defines strategic philanthropy, outlines approaches to impact, and offers guidance for helping you develop a roadmap toward maximizing impact in your chosen issue area. The second section reviews processes of due diligence and impact measurement that you can use to sustain and leverage future impact. The publications can be accessed below:
Philanthropic Issue Funds: Impact Opportunities for Donors and Non-Profits
Co-published by Sherry Consulting and the Raikes Foundation, Philanthropic Issue Funds: Impact Opportunities for Donors and Non-Profits is major research paper. It focuses on the growth of philanthropic issue funds, or pooled funds, as an important vehicle for donors to learn about and to use to support causes through a portfolio approach. Philanthropic issue funds represent a major opportunity for individual donors and newer donors to learn and engage in philanthropy, as well as a way for more established funders to share their insights and knowledge with others. The publication can be accessed here.
The Power of Field Scans
Sherry Consulting has written extensively on the importance of field scans, including in a National Center for Family Philanthropy issue brief titled Fast Forward to Greater Impact and blog post titled Don’t Reinvent the Wheel. The pieces explore what field scans are, different types and purposes of scans, various models of design and methodology, and how such scans can be accessed, shared, and kept current. The publications can be accessed below:
The Power of a Learning Journey
In a blog for the National Center for Family Philanthropy, Sherry Consulting synthesizes key takeaways from its work leading learning journeys for philanthropic families and staff. The piece describes how embarking on a learning journey—a series of experiences designed to better understand your role in the funding landscape and how to improve your work—can be a creative and inspirational way to promote reflection and instill a culture of exploration and growth in family philanthropy. The publication can be accessed here.
Speaking Engagements
Over the past decade, Christine Sherry has delivered talks on topics ranging from philanthropy to civic engagement to leadership in the nonprofit sector. Since 2011, she has also taught annual courses through Stanford Continuing Studies. Her most recent course covered “Managing Nonprofits Under the New Normal.” Previous classes included Making a Difference in Your Community: New Models of Civic Engagement; Philanthropy 2017: New Politics, New Realities; Philanthropy in the Age of Innovation; Building Strong Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations; The Secrets of High-Impact Nonprofits; and Giving Wisely: Practical Steps to Make the Most of Your Charitable Dollars.
In addition, Christine has spoken before a wide range of audiences, nationally and internationally. Sample speaking engagements include the Skoll World Forum, Philanthropy Australia, National Summit on Family Philanthropy, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, and Dartmouth Alumni Association of Silicon Valley.
For further background on Christine’s speaking engagements or to discuss the possibility of her designing and presenting one for your purposes, please contact us.